Using RealTimeToExcel

Using RealTimeToExcel

Getting Data From Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance, and MSN Money

To get stock data, use formulas in the following formats:

=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceWatchList","<Ticker>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceQuotes","<Ticker>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceStocks","<Ticker>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceKeyStatistics","<Ticker>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"MsnMoneyQuotes","<Ticker>",[<date>],"<Data Field>")

To get historical prices, use formulas in the following formats:

=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceHistoricalCSV","<Ticker>",[<date>],"<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceHistoricalData","<Ticker>",[<date>],"<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"GoogleFinanceHistoricalCSV","<Ticker>",[<date>],"<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"MsnMoneyHistoricalDays","<Ticker>",[<date>],"<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"MsnMoneyHistoricalWeeks","<Ticker>",[<date>],"<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"MsnMoneyHistorical15min","<Ticker>",[<datetime>],"<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"MsnMoneyHistorical5","<Ticker>",[<datetime>],"<Data Field>")

To get currency pair data, use formulas in the following formats:

=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceCurrencies","<Ticker>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"MsnMoneyCurrencies","<Ticker>","<Data Field>")

To get stock option data using option codes, use formulas in the following formats:

=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceOptions","<Option Code>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"GoogleFinanceOptions","<Option Code>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"MsnMoneyOptions","<Option Code>","<Data Field>")

To get stock option data using option contract parts, use formulas in the following formats:

=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceOptions","<Option Symbol>",<Expiration Date>,<Strike>,"<Option Type>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"GoogleFinanceOptions","<Option Symbol>",<Expiration Date>,<Strike>,"<Option Type>","<Data Field>")
=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"MsnMoneyOptions","<Option Symbol>",<Expiration Date>,<Strike>,"<Option Type>","<Data Field>")

For example:

=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceOptions","YHOO", "170120", 50, "CALL","OpenInt")

If a semicolon is used as a parameter separator in Microsoft Excel, use semicolons instead of commas in formulas.

For example:


You can use cell values as formula arguments.

For example:

Example of Yahoo! Finance Watch List

In the example above, all the RTD formulas in the table are the same. The tickers are in column B, and the data field names are in the table headers in row 3.

Use Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance or MSN Money websites to find tickers:


You can find available fields and copy ready-to-use formulas in the topics:

Important Notes

RealTimeToExcel loads data directly from Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance and MSN Money websites and web services.

Any provider can change data formats or URLs, or even stop publishing data.

As a result of changes, RealTimeToExcel can not load data.

We at Gartle Technology Corporation try to modify RealTimeToExcel to address issues as soon as possible, but this requires some time.

You can notify us that any provider stops getting data.

RealTimeToExcel Examples

You can find multiple examples of different data providers in the RealTimeToExcel Examples folder of the downloaded package and the installation folder like %ProgramFiles%\Gartle\RealTimeToExcel.

Use these examples to test features quickly and troubleshoot formulas or loading data.

Getting Data from Databases

The common Excel formula format is

=RTD("gartle.rtd",,"<Database provider>","<Database table name>",<First key column value>
    [,<Second key column value>[,...]],"<Data field>")

For example:




Database providers (like rtd-sqlce, rtd-mysql, etc.) must be configured for connecting to target databases.

Table names, key columns, and data fields depend on databases. Configuring databases is not required.

See details in Database Providers.

Using Tick Fields

You can use special tick fields for number data fields. Add the :tick suffix to the data field name.

For example:


Tick values:

Tick ValueMeaning
1The value is changed up.
0The value is unchanged.
-1The value is changed down.

Tick fields can be used for conditional formatting of the underlying fields or as independent columns.

Monitoring RealTimeToExcel

You can use special data fields to monitor downloading and processing data.

For example:


The formulas above show the last data update time and the last error code for the YHOO ticker.

See a complete list of the special data cells in RealTimeToExcel Fields.

Complying with Yahoo! Terms of Services

Yahoo! Finance publishes delayed quotes and financial data free of charge for non-commercial use.

RealTimeToExcel default settings comply with Yahoo! Terms of Services.

See important documents about Yahoo! Finance data use:

Complying with Google Finance Terms of Services

RealTimeToExcel loads data from the Google Finance website using undocumented features.

See important documents about Google Finance data use:

Complying with MSN Money Terms of Services

RealTimeToExcel loads data from the MSN Money website using undocumented features.

See important documents about MSN Money data use:

Configuring RealTimeToExcel

You can change some of the application settings. See RealTimeToExcel Settings.

The most useful setting is the Yahoo! API key that allows refreshing data more frequently.

You can configure the setting file using a Start Menu shortcut.

Configuring Data Providers

Every data provider has time periods of refreshing data and refresh intervals.

See a general description of Data Provider Settings and specific data provider settings in the provider topics.

You can change default settings using Data Provider Manager or directly in configuration files in the DataProviders folder.

RealTimeToExcel is configured by default for working 24 hours a day with different refresh intervals.

See topics for details: