Version History of RTD.DB

Version History of RTD.DB

Version 5.25, April 30, 2024

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issues with MySqlConnector and Npgsql data providers.

Version 5.24, April 29, 2024


  • High DPI support.
  • Removed database templates and data providers for Oracle Database, IBM DB2, NuoDB, SQL Server Compact.
  • RTD.DB includes the MySqlConnector data provider instead of the MySQL Data Provider.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed: Failed to convert parameter value from a TimeSpan to a DateTime.

Version 5.23, June 27, 2023

Bug fixes:

  • RTD.DB does not call data processor add-in methods.

Version 5.22, February 21, 2023


  • RTD.DB uses the MySql.Data.MySqlClient data provider installed on the system.
    Prior, RTD.DB used the provider shipped with the application.
    This solution allows installing and using the newest version of the provider:
  • RTD.DB dynamically replaces the missing MySql.Data.MySqlClient data provider with the built-in MySqlConnector provider.
  • Updated DBEdit

Bug fixes:

  • RTD.DB throws various exceptions when connecting to MySQL 8 using the MySql.Data.MySqlClient.

Version 5.21, January 23, 2023

Important changes:

The RTD.DB databases are licensed under the MIT license.


  • Updated DBEdit
  • Updated Product Registration Wizard
  • Updated AutoUpdate

Version 5.20, December 20, 2022

Bug fixes:

  • RTD.DB does not load SQLite tables.
  • RTD.DB does not save formula values if the formula source column does not exist in the table.

Version 5.19, December 13, 2022


  • Updated DBEdit
  • Updated Product Registration Wizard
  • Updated AutoUpdate

Bug fixes:

  • The AutoUpdate tool reports about DBEdit instead of RTD.DB.

Version 5.18, July 5, 2022

New features:

  • RTD.DB includes the DBEdit tool that allows viewing and editing database data.
    You can use it, for example, to open SQLite databases.


  • RTD.DB is available in Portuguese.
  • The registration wizard and the AutoUpdate tool are available in Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Version 5.17, March 22, 2021

New features:

  • RTD.DB includes the AutoUpdate tool to check and install updates.
    Use Help, Check Updates to launch the wizard manually.
  • RTD.DB supports PostgreSQL ODBC drivers.
    Install psqlodbc_13 to work with PostgreSQL 13.
    Visit to download the drivers.


  • RTD.DB compiled for .NET Framework 4.7.2.
  • PostgreSQL database scripts contain IF NOT EXIST rules for indexes.
  • The configuration editor has a log page.
  • RTD.DB includes an updated PostgreSQL .NET provider.
  • RTD.DB embeds language files.

Bug fixes:

  • RTD.DB raises DateTime and TimeSpan conversion exceptions with old ODBC providers.
  • The configuration editor raises an exception on pasting values to empty tables.

Version 5.16, June 30, 2020


  • German translation added

Bug fixes:

  • The registration wizard raises NullReferenceException.

Version 5.15, May 7, 2020

New features:

  • RTD.DB supports new application settings to define decimal and group separators in the following format:

Here is a sample for Thinkorswim DDE:

    <add key="TosDecimalSeparator" value="." />
    <add key="TosGroupSeparator" value="," />

Bug fixes:

  • RTD.DB saves NaN as NULL.

Version 5.14, February 28, 2020


  • Database templates include updated tables for Thinkorswim via DDE
    and SQL scripts that convert RTD formulas to DDE and back.
    We recommend using Thinkorswim via DDE instead of RTD to prevent possible crashes when loading data for more than 500 tickers.
    Thinkorswim via DDE allows loading any number of tickers (using cycling).
  • Improved registration wizard
  • Improved activation in a virtual environment

Version 5.13, September 17, 2018

New features:

  • New application setting <RTD Server>MaxTotalTopics.
    This option defines the maximum number of topics created for the RTD server.
    RTD.DB restarts the RTD client when it requires more topics.
    This option addresses the bug of Thinkorswim, wich allows creating about 200000 topics and then raises the "pure virtual function call" exception.

Here is the recommended settings for Thinkorswim:

    <add key="tos.rtdMaxTotalTopics" value="100000"/>
    <add key="tos.rtdMaxUpdateRows" value="500"/>
    <add key="tos.rtdMinUpdateTime" value="5000"/>
    <add key="tos.rtdMaxUpdateTime" value="10000"/>
    <add key="tos.rtdIsDynamicCalls" value="False"/>

Set tos.rtdIsDynamicCalls = True if you have not installed Microsoft Excel.

Bug fixes:

  • NullReference exception in the Configuration Editor.

Version 5.11, June 22, 2018

The free RTD.DB edition is no longer available.

Existing users of the free edition can continue to use it.

Version 5.10, May 24, 2018


  • Updated Product Registration Wizard

Version 5.9, March 26, 2018

New features:

  • New RTD.DB Database Configuration Editor allows editing database tables.
  • New Symbol Helper allows extracting stock and option symbols from RTD formulas and web pages.
    For example, you can copy Excel formulas from Thinkorswim and paste them into the application.
  • SQLite support.
  • RTD.DB embeds SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server Compact databases.
    You can try these databases first and then create the target database in SQL Server, MySQL, or another supported database platform.
    You can use the SQLite ODBC driver to load data from the SQLite database.
    Also, we recommend using the free Database .NET application to manage databases and select data.
    You can download the tool at
  • New functions to get 30-minute data: DateTime30 and Time30.


  • Redesigned RTD databases.
    Databases for Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Compact use lowercase names to be completely compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
    The real_time_tables and RealTimeFormulas tables have new names: real_time_tables and real_time_formulas.
    Databases include more templates for Thinkorswim data, including tables for data updated every second.
  • RTD.DB uses notepad.exe as a default configuration file editor and launches it with administrator privileges if required.
    You can change the editor using the ConfigurationFileEditor application setting.

Version 5.8, March 12, 2018


  • Improved Thinkorswim default application settings.
  • Improved Thinkorswim default field settings.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed empty values of the FrontExpectedMove, BackExpectedMove, and ExpectedMoveDiff fields in Thinkorswim.

Version 5.7, February 7, 2018


  • Updated Product Registration Wizard

Version 5.6, November 3, 2017

Bug fixes:

  • Registration wizard WebException in the offline mode

Version 5.5, August 22, 2017

Breaking changes:

  • Changed .NET platform from .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile to .NET Framework 4.5.2.
  • Changes in requirements for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • Removed support of Windows XP
  • Removed support of SQL Server 2000
  • Removed support of MySQL 5.0, 5.1, 5.2
  • Removed support of MariaDB 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Bug Fixes:

  • Issues with registering products.

Version 5.4, August 1, 2017

New features:

  • Azure Active Directory Integrated authentication
  • Azure Active Directory Password authentication

Version 5.3, July 5, 2017


  • Updated registration wizard
  • Updated installer

Bug Fixes:

  • Wrong ticker limits in RTD.DB Personal

Version 5.2, May 31, 2017


  • Updated installer
  • Updated documentation

Version 5.1, May 11, 2017


  • Support of ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server
  • Improved Spanish translation
  • Improved documentation

Version 5.0, May 1, 2017

RTD.DB 5.0 is a major upgrade of RealTimeToDB.

The new name reflects the main application role, saving data from RTD and DDE servers to databases.

Existing users can install RTD.DB as a new product, test it, and purchase the upgrade. See upgrade notes.

Licensing Changes

RTD.DB has a new free edition that allows getting data for ten tickers.

Paid editions have a new simplified model of limits. The Personal and Standard editions have the increased limits of updated rows.

See Edition Comparison.

The trial period is changed from 30 days to 15 days. Registration is required to start a trial.

RTD.DB is available as a subscription.

Major upgrades become paid. You can purchase the Upgrade Warranty with new purchases to get major upgrades for free.


  • Redesigned RTD database. See Database Templates.
  • Rewritten documentation. Please read Concept and Configuring Tables.
  • You can use OCC option codes like AAPL180119C0015000 in ticker tables for Thinkorswim Desktop.
    The application converts option codes to the Thinkorswim format like .AAPL180119C150 automatically.
  • Expired option codes loaded from ticker tables are ignored.

Other Changes

RTD.DB does not include the default SQL Server Compact database with activated RealTimeToExcel.

The RTD.DB setup package does not install RealTimeToExcel and related menu topics.

We made this change as most product users use SQL Server and MySQL databases, loading data from trading platforms like Thinkorswim or Trader Workstation and paid data sources from vendors like eSignal or Bloomberg.

The newest RTD.DB version has a clear database structure and a clear concept to implement such tasks with fewer efforts.

You can still use your SQL CE database, create a new one, and install RealTimeToExcel separately.